Monday, April 25, 2011

Strathroy info

Well we survived the first meet of the season, the weather was not great but most of us have learned the lesson to be ready for anything. The Holy Cross meet in Strathroy is on Thursday, April 28th, the bus will be leaving the school at 7am, so be at the school for 6:50am, to get the bus loaded with equipment. Once again the weather does not look like it will be cooperating, so please, please, please come prepared. That may mean bringing rain gear, winter jackets, umbrellas, mittens etc.
All athletes should check to see that they are registered in the appropriate events by checking the PE office door. If your name is not of the list, you have not been registered, so please see Ms.Carter before the end of the day on Tuesday.
A couple of reminders, practices are Mon-Thurs after school, to be able to see improvements throughout the season, it is expected that you make 2 practices per week. A meet does not count as a practice. If you do not meet this requirement, it may prevent you from attending a future meet. Please sign up for the St.Anne's meet, the forms will be available before practices this week.
Results from last Wednesday's meet can be found on the Regina Mundi College website, just click on the athletics section.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Regina Mundi Postponed until Wednesday

The meet scheduled for Tuesday April 19, has been postponed to Wedensday, April 20. The bus will depart on Wednesday at 7:30 am. Be at the school for 7:15.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Regina Mundi Meet info

The Regina Mundi meet is scheduled for April 19 with a rain date of Wednesday, April 20. It looks like the weather will be cold, High of 7, low of -2. So please come prepared for the weather. We do have a shelter, but it will not be enough for weather like this. Please bring blankets and come dressed in layers. There will be a food booth available, but please bring food with you, we not be stopping on the way home. The bus will be leaving the school at 7:30am, so please be at the school for 7:15am. Our approximate return time will be 7:30pm. A reminder, please register for the Strathroy meet before leaving for Regina Mundi, entries need to be in for Wednesday.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Track and Field Season 2011

The permission forms will be sent home over the next couple of days. Please have the permission forms and money to Ms. Carter before the first meet. Athletes will not be boarding the bus, unless all the paper work has been complete. All athletes will need to register for the meets at least a week in advance, please be sure to check work schedules; fees for meet are often based on the number of athletes, if you are not able to attend the meet, please do not sign up. If this becomes a problem, athletes failing to attend a meet they signed up for will be asked to pay the fee of their entries. I will be using the blog to inform you of departure times and approximate return times from the meets, as well as for posting some results and hopefully some pictures. With the absence of our photographer, Mrs Godkin this year, our picture quality may not be as good. Good Luck with your recovery Mrs. Godkin, we are all wishing you well.